Application Design

Featured Project

Desktop Connect

ReadyTalk, Audio and Online Conferencing Software | 2015

The Challenge

Combine two disparate desktop applications into one to service the needs of both sets of users.

My Role

Sole product designer and user researcher embedded on an engineering team.

Deliverables Produced | Storyboards, Workflows, Wiremocks, Interactive Prototypes, Usability Test Plans, Moderate Usability Tests, Icons and Graphics Assets, Style Guide

Desktop Connect

In the Beginning | When I joined the team for this product, it was on the verge of being release. However the product owner felt that the state of the app wasn't up to our standards and I agreed. We gathered data via a few hallway usability tests to support our decision to postpone the release of the product. We then began redesigning the interface to improve usability and expand functionality.

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate | Based on the usability problems observed during testing and shifting business priorities, we iterated on the workflow, interface, interactions and functionality, testing with users during each iteration. Here are a few examples of the work I produced during these iterations as the sole designer and researcher on the project.

Several iterations of design, testing and lots of development later and we've successfully launched the new product to our strategic partners.

Sketching & Collaboration

The most powerful tools in the UX Toolbox

Whiteboard Sketching and Collaboration


Engage stakeholders through storytelling

Storyboard Slide Deck


Combine steps to reduce cycle time

Wiremock Samples


Make complex state changes easy to develop

Workflow Samples

Usability Test Plans

Know who you're testing with, why and how

Portfolio image

Usability Tests

Watch me moderate a remote usability test

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Interactive Prototypes

Created in Axure for usability testing

Portfolio image

Icon Exploration

Icons, Fonts and Colors, oh my!

App Icon